Club Nation

Wrong Plane – Liebe released at Berlin Madness

Wrong Plane – Liebe released at Berlin Madness

Liebe is the next productions by Dutch Hands-Up producers Wrong Plane.

After the success of their previous release that reached compilation CDs like DJ Networx and Tunnel Trance Force they present you their new Hands-Up floorfiller “Liebe”.

This release comes with a vocal and dub version of the track, inspired by the Austrian 80’s hit “Codo (Ich duse, duse im Sauseschritt)”. Get ready for this new Hands-Up hit that is already added to the Tunnel Trance Force 67 CD compilation by DJ Dean!

Liebe is now available eat Beatport and iTunes.

Check out the videoclip for Liebe below.


Club Nation

Club Nation

November 13th, 2013